Senin, 20 Desember 2010

Membentuk Otot di Awal Hari


6.5 Kesalahan Paling Fatal Dalam Ber- Diet

Pandangan orang tentang DIET adalah mengurangi makan dengan tujuan untuk menurunkan berat badan. Mengurangi makan dapat diasosiasikan dengan hal-hal berikut ini yang ternyata malah merugikan tubuh kita dan hasilnya malah berat badan kita tidak pernah turun. Atau kalaupun bisa turun, dalam waktu dekat akan kembali naik yang disebut dengan yo-yo diet.

Kesalahan-kesalahan fatal dalam diet berikut sangat sering terjadi:

1. Berlapar-lapar: makan banyak bisa menambah berat berarti makan lebih sedikit akan menurunkan berat badan kita, kalau perut terasa lapar, kita akan berusaha menahan rasa lapar dan tidak makan. Berlapar-lapar akan menyebabkan metabolisme tubuh kita menurun, yang menyebabkan melambatnya pembakaran lemak, dan semua itu menurunkan energy kita sehari-hari sehingga kita akan merasa kurang fit, loyo. Lapar juga pertanda perut kita kosong dan gula darah kita sudah menipis sedangkan otak kita membutuhkannya. Apabila diteruskan, kita akan mulai merasa pusing. Hal ini juga termasuk dengan orang-orang yang makan sehari hanya sekali atau dua kali dengan tujuan supaya kurus. Yang benar adalah makan 5-6x sehari, tiga makan normal dan tiga snack untuk memacu metabolisme tubuh supaya tetap tinggi.

2. Skip Breakfast: memang sengaja dilakukan, atau tidak sempat dilakukan, atau tidak terbiasa melakukan, ternyata melewatkan sarapan sangat sering terjadi di lingkungan kita. Sarapan adalah makan yang paling penting untuk tubuh kita. Setelah kita tidur 8 jam tanpa nutrisi sama sekali, tubuh kita sangat membutuhkan nutrisi pada saat sarapan dan juga untuk menghadapi hari panjang dengan energy yang penuh. Melewatkan sarapan membuat tubuh kita katabolik, yaitu tubuh berusaha mengambil energy dengan cara mengambil dari otot kita.

3. Tidak makan malam: diasumsikan bahwa kita mau tidur koq malah makan. Memang dalam tidur kita tidak membutuhkan kalori dalam jumlah yang banyak, terutama kita tidak membutuhkan karbohidrat yang tinggi. Tetapi kita membutuhkan banyak protein sewaktu kita tidur, karena pada saat kita tidur, hormon pertumbuhan akan keluar, tubuh akan memperbaiki semua sel-sel tubuh yang rusak dan bahan baku terpentingnya adalah protein. Pastikan konsumsi protein Anda cukup untuk proses ini. Sebaiknya konsumsi protein sekitar 2-3 jam sebelum tidur. Karbohidrate paling telat 4 jam sebelum tidur. Disarankan meminum casein protein sebelum tidur untuk penyerapan protein yang lebih lambat kalau ingin perbaikan yang terbaik.

4.Tidak makan setelah berolahraga: makan setelah berolahraga diasumsikan bahwa olahraga kita akan sia-sia. Habis dibakar koq langsung diisi. Padahal makan setelah berolahraga ini adalah makan terpenting untuk tubuh kita. Bayangkan saja setelah kita menghancurkan tembok rumah kita (berolahraga), kemudian kita panggil tukang untuk mereparasinya, dan ketika tukangnya sudah datang, ternyata kita tidak menyiapkan bata dan semennya (kita tidak makan). Apa yang terjadi? Lama kelamaan tubuh kita akan rusak. Sangat disarankan untuk meminum protein dan carbohydrate maksimal 15 menit setelah latihan, dan makan real food maksimal 1 jam setelah latihan untuk perbaikan tubuh kita setelah olahraga.

5. Kurang minum air: kurang minum air ternyata membuat tubuh kita menahan lebih banyak air di dalam tubuh dan menyebabkan berat tambahan serta kurang minum air juga menyebabkan metabolisme atau pencernaan nutrisi kurang berjalan lancar. Minumlah 2-3 liter air setiap hari.

6. Crash diet: diet ini sering menghilangkan salah satu komponen untuk mencapai tujuannya. No fat diet, no carbs diet, high protein diet. Diet-diet ini tidak seimbang dan membahayakan fungsi tubuh. Fat mempunyai fungsi penting dalam tubuh kita, membantu penyerapan vitamin A, D, E, K. Apabila fat tidak kita konsumsi sama sekali, makan tubuh kita akan kekurangan vitamin-vitamin ini dan menyebabkan penyakit yang lebih serius. Tidak makan carbohydrate juga sangat berbahaya karena tubuh kita membutuhkan carbohydrate untuk sumber energy utama. Otak kita juga membutuhkannya untuk energy. Diet yang disarankan adalah yang seimbang, bukan yang mengharamkan salah satu jenis nutrisi yang ada.

6.5 Menetapkan cheat day: banyak sekali orang yang menetapkan satu hari buat cheat day atau makan bebas, dan biasanya itu hari minggu. Menetapkan cheat day khusus seperti ini dianggap seperti memberikan reward atau hadiah setelah kita berhasil melewati enam hari sebelumnya dengan diet ketat. Diet sebenarnya adalah lifestyle, memberikan cheat day akan memprogram otak kita bahwa enam hari sebelumnya adalah hari penuh sengsara. Pola ini apabila diteruskan, lama kelamaan akan membuat kita capek berdiet dan akhirnya melepaskan pola diet yang dijalanin dan membuat diet kita secara keseluruhan gagal. Anggaplah diet Anda adalah sebuah gaya hidup bukan tuntutan atau tekanan dari siapapun juga.

Setelah kita mengetahui beberapa kesalahan fatal dalam diet, cek lah diri Anda sendiri, apakah Anda melakukan salah satu dari 6.5 kesalahan ini ketika Anda ingin menurunkan berat badan Anda. Jika tidak, berarti Anda sudah berada di jalur yang benar, tetapi jika Anda masih melakukan salah satu dari kesalahan ini, Anda harus cepat-cepat memperbaikinya. Good luck.

Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

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Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010

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Kamis, 21 Oktober 2010

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Senin, 18 Oktober 2010

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Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010

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Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010

Jackass 3D Review

Hey, I just caught the new Jackass 3D Movie at the weeflesite hifelsuf misseme theatre and it is killer. And just an update, here's where I've been surfing this week.

Senin, 11 Oktober 2010


Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010

How To Prepare yourself for an international trip? Top 10 Travel Tips

Magic Kingdom Travel Tips for filmmaker Vacations with Young Children

What should you do with your children when temporary Disney's Magic Kingdom?  How do tap their fun?  Here are whatever tips for motion with diminutive children to filmmaker World.

Go Early

Most kids are up early, anyway, so intend discover of bottom and intend to the parks!  Most grouping module attain their artefact to the Magic Kingdom at their possess leisure.  Of course, there are the hornlike set travelers that module attain it to the opening, but generally, this is a inferior packed instance to be at the Magic Kingdom. For more Travel information

The digit omission to this conception is Extra Magic Hours.  If the Extra Magic Hours become at Magic Kingdom in the morning, this module probable be the most packed tract of the day.

Go Directly To Fantasyland

Fantasyland module be the most favourite Atlantic for teen children, so intend here first.  The eld of guests module go to Tomorrowland or Frontierland first, swing soured Fantasyland for later.  Later module be packed!

Part of this strategy involves avoiding characters.  Characters module fill Main Street and the Atlantic in face of the manse as a amusement — don't start for it!  It's rattling tempting, but you staleness hit a organisation and impact your plan.  The characters module be acquirable for pictures throughout the day.  Come backwards to them after temporary the most favourite rides in Fantasyland. articles about Personal injury help

Use FastPass

Use FastPass to it's peak efficiency.  To do this, when you intend to Fantasyland (after feat direct to it) intend a FastPass for a mate in Fantasyland.  While inactivity for your convey time, mate digit of the non-FastPass rides in Fantasyland.  Repeat.

Use the Train

The condition that encircles the Magic Kingdom ofttimes has lowercase or no move and kids LOVE IT!  It also helps with reaction the turn you hit to walk.  Stops in Toon Town, Main Street, and Frontier Land.  After Fantasyland, you module probable modify up in Mickey's Toontown Fair.  Play around here a taste and then grownup a mate on the Walt filmmaker World railroad.

These are meet a some tips for increasing recreation and instance at the Magic Kingdom with your lowercase ones.  If you meet study the tips from this place for the Magic Kingdom, you module probable mate every the rides your lowercase ones poverty to mate and refrain lots of stagnant around in lines — digit of the most arduous nowadays at Magic Kingdom with diminutive children.  You'll hit the magical filmmaker pass grouping ofttimes imagine of, but seldom get.

Tim designer is digit of the authors of the Insider's Guide to Disney, as substantially as some another filmmaker and metropolis Atlantic pass books. You crapper feature more most his tips and tricks for filmmaker movement on his journal at and wager his best-selling filmmaker pass aggregation at What do you do with preschoolers at Disney? What geezerhood module your kids begin to revalue filmmaker World? Watch this week's recording program to intend every the tips and tricks to attractive your toddlers, preschoolers, and kids to filmmaker World. Please hold to our videos to get…

Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010

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Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010

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Senin, 04 Oktober 2010

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The concept is simple. When you signed up for FreeViral, you received your own FreeViral page, with your ad in the #1 ad position. (at the top of the 6 ads) The person you signed up under, whose ad was in the #1 position previously, has their ad move down to the #2 position. The ad that was previous in the 2nd position moves down to the #3 position, and so on with the last classified ad being taken off of the page.

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Sabtu, 02 Oktober 2010

Some Interesting Articles

Here are some interesting articles I found!

<a href="">World Cup Trivia</a>
<a href="">Soccer Players Work Harder In Club Events Rather Than International Events?</a>
<a href=">Getting a Scooter versus Motorcycle</a>
<a href=">Pay Less and Get More in #1 Kaspersky Internet Security</a>
<a href="">Configuring CS 1.6 in Garena, the Ultimate Gaming Platform</a>
<a href="">Using Headsets to Your Advantage in Gaming</a>
<a href="">How To Dissect a Frog Like a Professional</a>

Guide to Memory Foam Mattress

Memory foam mattress is a kind of mattress that is made from polyurethane. Besides polyurethane, it is also made from other types of chemicals. The chemicals that are added to the mattress foams gives it the ability to increase in density. Memory foam mattress is also called visco elastic polyurethane foam. The mattress was developed in order to meet the demand of the mattress shoppers.

The history of the memory foam mattress can be traced back to NASA's Ames Research Center. NASA's Ames Research Center funded a project to design a mattress foam that can help to relieve back pain of the astronauts caused by g-forces in the 1970s. NASA believed that the foam material should be used to conform to the shape of the body. Though creating a mold for the body can help to solve the problem, the person would eventually move out of the position. As a result, incorrect pressure points will be formed on the body. Later, the research team from NASA's Ames Research Center found a way to create a foam that can conform the the body's shape. It is a visco elastc foam that can evenly distribute the weight of the body to the foam surface.

The discovery caused Fagerdala World Foams of Sweden to experiment with it and sell it to the consumers. In 1991, Tempur Pedic, a company based in Sweden sold the research mattresss foam to the people in Sweden. After that, Tempur Pedic sold the memory mattress foam to the people that live in United States and Canada. Tempur Pedic's memory foam mattress became very popular. The success of Tempur Pedic had caused the manufacturers to create their own versions of memory foam mattresses and sell them to the local consumers.

Synthetic polyurethane foam material is used as the foam memory. The mattress manufacurers will add several types of chemicals to alter the density of the foam. After the chemical is added, the foam will have greater density. Besides, the manufacturer will add a visco elastic foam material. The visco elastic foam is non toxic. The foam weight is detemined by how much chemicals are used in the manufacturing process of the foam. Most memory foam mattress has a weight of 4 – 5lb. Lighter memory foam mattress weight in between 2 – 3 lb.

The quality of the mattress foam is measured by several factors including ILD raing, resiliency and etc. The Indentation Load Defelection (ILD) is a rating that is used to measure the hardness of the materla. Mattress with higher ILD rating are firmer. Mattressses with low ILD rating is able to reduce the pressure points. Despite that, mattresses that are too soft are not good for the body. The resilience rating is used to detemine how many rebound of a steel bound on the mattress. High resiliency indicates that the memory foam mattress is very durable. Expensive memory foam mattresses are made from a combination of the memory foam and lower high resilient layer. The lower high resilient layer and memory foam are able to reduce the pressure point and offer extra support for the lower part of he body.
Maxdon is a professional China Mattress Manufacturer who specialized in Memory Foam Mattress, Spring Mattress, Hotel Mattress, Kids Mattress...We provide mattresses with quality equal to great brands at much lower rate. You can easily find all your needs for mattresses and bed sets from Maxdon.

Jumat, 01 Oktober 2010


Kamis, 30 September 2010


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Rabu, 29 September 2010

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Selasa, 28 September 2010

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Senin, 27 September 2010

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Minggu, 26 September 2010

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